not sure why the french get this fucking delicious soup with their name out front. maybe because, like the french, it smells bad. it's damn good though... it's got a certain, Je ne sais pas.
disclaimer: i do not make soups (unless they have both beer and meat as principal ingredients) or desserts (unless they have liquor as a principal ingredient).
melt 1/3 stick of butter in a big soup pot or freaky deaky dutch oven.
add 2 C onions, 2 cloves garlic, a bay leaf, a few springs of thyme- cook on medium for about 20-25 min.
add ½ C red wine, scrape all the good stuff off the bottom of the pot and into the mix. cook until unions are almost dry. add a big spoonful of flour and cook for 5 more minutes- until the flour taste is gone, but before the flour burns. what you just made with the flour--it's called a rue. it makes it thick.
add in a quart of chicken stock , stir, simmer until you feel hungry.